LG Display’s winning move, OLED TV Price
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LG Display (LGD) actively competes in TV market by reducing OLED TV price. ...
Samsung Display’s super AMOLED of Galaxy Tap S scored the highest ever
Galaxy Tap S, which applied Samsung Display’s (SDC) super AMOLED panel, recorded the highest score of Excellent A in the comprehensive evaluation by a professional display group in the U.S., DisplayMate. ...
Finding a way for OLED industry in flexible
Samsung is preparing to introduce foldable AMOLED panel applied mobile product, and LG will release a new product with the flexible AMOLED panel in the latter half of this year.
As the flexible OLED commercializes, its R&D also accelerates. It was analyzed that the trend of papers published at SID 2014 is the flexible OLED as 9 more papers totaling 23 regarding the flexible OLED were published at SID 2014 than 14 papers 2013.
Imminent release of AMOLED Tablet PC by Samsung
Samsung Display (SDC) unveiled AMOLED panels for 8” and 10” tablet PCs, which is known to be on the market by Samsung Electronics (SSE) from this July.
[SID2014/VIDEO] SEL, 최고의 OLED 기술력 과시 8K와 foldable AMOLED공개
[Fordable AMOLED]
Display week 2014 첫째 날인 3일(현지시각)…
LG디스플레이, SID 2014에서 시상식 휩쓸어
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New Vision Opto-electronic, 5inch Flexible AMOLED 개발 성공
중국 광저우에 위치한 New Vision Opto-electronic에서…
[Finetech Japan 2014] Samsung Display의 future display trend
15일부터 열린 Finetech Japan 2014의 keynote session에서…