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Mass production of AMOLED panel for AUO and VR begins in earnest

It is expected that AUO will begin mass-producing AMOLED panel for VR.
AUO displayed AMOLED panels for 1.2-1.6 inch smart watch, 12.3 inch vehicles, and 3.8 inch VR in Touch Taiwan 2016.
In particular, the AMOLED panel for VR is composed of 2 sets of 3.8 inch, and each AMOLED panel’s resolution is 423 ppi of 1080×1200. Using 2 AMOLED panels, 2K (2160×1200) resolution has been realized.


AUO, VR용 AMOLED panel 본격 양산 시작

AUO는 Touch Taiwan 2016 전시를 통해, VR용 AMOLED panel을 2016년 Q4부터 본격적으로 양산하여 분기별로 100,000대 이상 출하할 계획을 밝혔다. 현재 일부 생산 panel은 Razer와 OSV에 공급하고 있으며, 모듈은 Vitrolight technology 업체를 통해 1 piece당 US$ 240~350 (~2000pieces/월)로 구매할 수 있다.